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IT IS FINISHED John 19:30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. “It is finished”—a simple sentence, made of only three simple words, but the significance of this sentence has eternal consequences for billions of people. When Jesus declared, “It is finished,” he indicated that his work of salvation was finished; that he had paid the full price for our sins. The cross is about so much more than a man enduring pain and suffering; it is about so much more than a man being abandoned by his friends and family. The cross is about Jesus, the eternal Son of God, being forsaken by his Father. Jesus, who had forever been one with the Father, was willing to come to earth and identify with sinners like us. He was even willing to become our sin (2Co 5:21), so that on the cross he could die in our place. On the cross, the hellish punishment that we deserved was placed on him; he willingly endured God’s wrath in order to set us free. The prophet Isaiah says of him, “You who have drunk from the hand of the Lord the cup of his wrath, you who have drained to its dregs the goblet that makes people stagger” (Isa 51:17)—this is what Jesus did on the cross for everyone who believes in him. Our sins have been paid for, and the work of redemption is, gloriously, “finished”! Jesus, I shudder to think that you became my sin. It’s unimaginable what you must have endured to finish this fight for us. Thank you, Savior. Amen. Taken from NIV The Jesus Bible ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “FOUR ATTRIBUTES OF A LIFE GOD BLESSES" on our website


Am I Scared to Pray Boldly? (Acts 4:23–31) Sometimes I’m scared to pray boldly in the way King Hezekiah did when the Assyrian army was knocking on Jerusalem’s gate. It’s not that I don’t believe God can do anything. I do. I’m a wild-about-Jesus girl. Wild in my obedience. Wild in my adventures with God. After all, I think Jesus would rather rein in a wild stallion than kick a dead mule. So my hesitation isn’t rooted in doubt about God. Instead, it’s rooted in doubt about my ability to discern the will of God. If his will is no while I am boldly praying for a yes, then I worry my prayers will get me off track. Because I desperately want to stay in the will of God, I find myself praying at times with timidity: “God please heal my friend, if it’s your will.” I wonder why I don’t just boldly pray, “God, please heal my friend.” Then believe, whatever the outcome, that my prayers were not in vain. I’m realizing prayer isn’t just about getting an answer from God. It’s also about changing me. It opens my spiritual eyes to see things I can’t see on my own and to see God in a fresh way. Praying boldly boots me out of a stale place of religious habit into authentic connection with God. So prayer does make a difference—a life-changing and earth-rattling difference. We can kneel confidently and know the tremors of a simple Jesus girl’s prayers extend far and wide. This truth snuffs out the flickers of hesitation in my prayers. What do you need to pray boldly about today? Go ahead and ask. Not so your prayers cause God to move, but so you can be in a position to see Jesus move in any which way he pleases. By Lysa TerKeurst Taken from NIV Real-Life Devotional Bible for Women ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “YOUR WORK" on our website


Sleep As a Spiritual Activity Psalm 3:5 I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. Habit: Rest The one activity we do more than any other is sleep. About one-third of each day and one-third of our lives is spent sleeping. Sleep is so essential to the functioning of our bodies that we will die if we go too long without it. But the importance of sleep is not limited to our physical functions—sleep is also a spiritual activity. Sleep is a spiritual reminder—Everyone sleeps, but our heavenly Father never does (see Psalm 121:4). Sleep is therefore a daily reminder that we are not God. “Once a day God sends us to bed like patients with a sickness,” says John Piper. “The sickness is a chronic tendency to think we are in control and that our work is indispensable. To cure us of this disease God turns us into helpless sacks of sand once a day.”* Sleep is an act of spiritual trust—We are never more physically vulnerable than when we are sleeping. Although most of us live in relative safety, for many people throughout history—including David in his flight from Absalom—to sleep was to place oneself at the mercy of one’s enemies. Sleep is an earthly picture of a spiritual reality—In Scripture, sleep is frequently used as a metaphor for death. For instance, Jesus confused his disciples concerning Lazarus by using the euphemism of Lazarus being asleep—which the disciples took literally (see John 11). Death is described as sleep, especially for believers (see 1 Corinthians 15; 1 Thessalonians 4), while the resurrection is sometimes described as waking from sleep (see Job 14:12).** Sleep as spiritual preparation—One of the most overlooked aspects of spiritual formation is simply getting enough sleep. As John Ortberg says, “I have discovered I have a very hard time thinking and feeling and acting like Jesus when I lack sleep.” Sleep is a form of spiritual preparation that equips us to follow where Christ leads.*** PRACTICAL TAKEAWAY: Sleep is essential for both our physical health and our spiritual development. Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM" on our website…/f/the-gospel-of-the-kingdom-2 * John Piper, “A Brief Theology of Sleep,” Desiring God, August 3, 1982, http://www. ** Jason McMartin, “Sleep, Sloth, and Sanctification,” Journal of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care 6, no. 2 (2014): 255–72. *** John Ortberg, The Life You’ve Always Wanted (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2013). Taken from NIV Lifehacks Bible ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing


Community (John 13:34) In our individualistic society, many of us often feel alone. Sometimes we are actually alone; at other times we simply feel lonely. Some of us, conditioned by our culture, believe we are better off by ourselves and think we do not need the help of others. However, the gospel—and all of Scripture, for that matter—reinforces the truth that we were created for community. God created us not to be isolated beings, but rather people who live life with others. The primary way that we as Christians live in community is by belonging to the church. When our culture thinks of community, it often thinks of a social club or an organization formed around a specific interest or cause. But the church is something much greater. It is Christ’s “body.” And the nature of our relationships with other Christians is described in the New Testament as koinonia, a Greek word often translated as “fellowship.” It means that we as Christians have communion with one another and participate in life together. Not only that, but we also have communion with Christ and participate in his life and mission. Community is opportunity. Fellowship in the church becomes a tutor and an avenue for us to love and serve others, even those outside the church. Above all, the church is called to mirror the love of the Trinity. God exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is the true unity in diversity, and we are invited to not only share in the love of the Trinity, but also to extend that love to everyone we encounter. Connecting One reason why God has established the church is so that we can experience concretely the love of Christ. Yet this love was never meant to be restricted to the community of the church. Rather, it should generously overflow into all of our communities, including our workplaces. The love of Christ changes the way we see our work community. Our coworkers are not merely people who help us get our work done or help us advance professionally. No, God has placed them in our lives so that we may love and serve them, even if they are radically different from us. We are called to love them, as Stott explained, both negatively and positively so that they might not only flourish but also experience God’s love and mercy. Taken from NIV Faith & Work Bible ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM" on our website


Who Can Stand? (Deuteronomy 9:1–6) She stares down at us from the wide screen or up from the magazine or across the sanctuary. She’s the “perfect” woman. She’s tall. She’s willowy. She always knows just the right thing to say . . . and when to say it. She’s the perfect host. She is involved in every committee. She’s the picture of who the world says we should be. We feel like the Israelites felt about the Anakites: “Who can stand up against that?” No doubt the Hebrew nation trembled in their sandals at the thought of facing the mighty Anakites. However, God promised to be more than an ally to his people. He didn’t just say, “I will go with you to conquer the enemy.” Instead, he promised to go ahead of them. He promised to lead the charge into battle. God would conquer and take the land on their behalf. Of course, God kept his word. The Anakites were destroyed. As believers, we’re not really at war with “perfect” women. When you put yourself in their high-heeled sandals, you realize they have their own insecurities: Do people like me for me? Am I a slave to my looks? Opposition and uncertainties loom in every woman’s heart. Do we really have to squeeze into the culture’s mold to fit in? To be respected? To have the right career? To matter? So many times our internal struggles are the real giants we must conquer. Conquering the heart and mind are the front line of the battle of faith. When uncertainties about who you are make you feel small, remember that God is more than just a friendly ally. He is a trusted warrior who will go out ahead and battle your giants. As you grow in your faith and in grace, he will conquer your insecurities about your looks and abilities as you grow to realize that you are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). He will conquer your lack of confidence in conversation by giving you the proper words to say through his Holy Spirit. He will fill you with security by giving you his righteousness. Then, when you’ve walked through the challenge, you’ll know it was God who won the war, and you can give him all the glory. What personal battles are causing your stomach to tie up in knots? What giant challenges are stopping you dead in your tracks? Rest assured; God will go before you to devour your doubts. Taken from NIV Women’s Devotional Bible ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “PLANNING FOR SUCCESS" on our website


JESUS COMES TO JERUSALEM AS KING (Matthew 21:1–9) Jesus’ coming to Jerusalem riding on a donkey, to the accolades and praise of the gathered crowd, fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies of Jesus as King. Isaiah 62:11 calls for “Daughter Zion” to watch for this King, and Zechariah 9:9 depicts the King “lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” While most royal processions feature incredible extravagance, Jesus humbly entered town on a simple donkey. While horses were ridden during times of war, rulers rode donkeys during times of peace as a sign of humility toward the people (1Ki 1:38–40). Here, Jesus exemplified the peaceful return of a king to Jerusalem. By riding on a donkey, he showed that he came to bring grace and not judgment. Also, it is significant that Jesus rode a colt, which is a young and untrained donkey. Normally, it would be incredibly difficult for someone to ride an unbroken animal through a crowded and chaotic scene with an unfamiliar burden on its back. But this was Jesus, Creator of the world! This scene was nothing less than a royal procession (2Ki 9:13), yet up until this point, Jesus had consistently avoided such displays (Mt 8:4; 9:30; 12:16). However, he was now ready to present himself publicly as the Messiah and King. This was Jesus’ last trip to Jerusalem, and he chose to enter in such a way as to leave no doubt that he was the promised Messiah who had come to save the nation. No one in the city could possibly miss the procession or the prophecy-fulfilling reference Jesus’ entry conveyed. Jesus, there is no doubt in my heart that you are the promised Messiah. Give me the wisdom to help others understand this truth about you. Amen. Taken from NIV The Jesus Bible ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “WHERE DO YOU PLACE YOUR CONFIDENCE?" on our website


The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–37) Often misunderstood as a story about helping the needy, the primary point of this parable was to define the “neighbor” that the Torah commanded one to love. This parable was also a story of reconciliation between two Old Testament enemies who shared the same blood: When the people of Israel attacked the people of Judah in the days of King Ahaz, the people of Israel (the territory of Samaria) were commanded to return the captives of Judah to Jericho. They “provided them with clothes and sandals, food and drink, and healing balm” (2Ch 28:15). Who is your “neighbor”? Taken from NIV First-Century Study Bible Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “FRIENDSHIP IN THE PIT" on our website


THE GREAT ONE (Exodus 14:21–29) The great work of deliverance is attributed to God and God alone. Literally, the passage refers to “the mighty hand of the Lord” (v. 31), which powerfully acted on behalf of his people and broke the shackles of their slavery. The people clearly understood the might of God displayed in this act because they responded in awestruck fear. The great work of a great God propelled Israel into their subsequent journey toward the promised land. Throughout human history the strong arm of the Lord has worked on behalf of his people. He gave them victory and delivered them from the dire circumstances caused by their sinful rebellion (Ps 89:13; 118:15–24), foreshadowing the climactic moment when God broke into human history through the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ perfect life, substitutionary death and victorious resurrection accomplish a far greater work of deliverance than the exodus from Egypt. Christ’s work accomplished a “great” salvation for all his people (Heb 2:3). Like the nation of Israel responded, our proper response to the great work accomplished by this great God is awestruck worship. Jesus, I worship you with awestruck reverence. My words fail to express how much I love, adore, thank and praise you. Amen. Taken from NIV The Jesus Bible ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “FAILURE THAT LEADS TO GODLINESS" on our website


Glorious Isaiah 6:3 And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.” A central theme in Scripture is the glory of God. Yet to many of us, God’s glory seems like an abstract concept. What is it exactly? When people conceive of God’s glory, they often think of ethereal or immaterial realities, not physical things we experience in the world every day. Isaiah, however, tells us that God’s glory can be seen in creation. As Isaiah is in awe of God in heaven, the seraphim are in awe of God’s glory displayed on earth: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory,” they cry. God didn’t want to be known only by himself. He wanted others to experience his goodness. But since God chose to create us as physical beings, he also elected to express physically to us his invisible qualities. Thus, God created a world in which we can see his glory expressed in all the beautiful things he has made—trees, flowers, mountains, oceans, animals, everything. God’s glory, therefore, is something that we experience tangibly through our senses and is meant to leave us in awe of who he is. And when we behold God’s glory and recognize him for who he is, we can’t help but worship him—just as Isaiah did. But that’s not the whole picture. Just as God’s creative work reveals who he is, so our work is a tangible expression of our identity. Because we have been created in God’s image, we reflect who we are in the work we do. And ultimately our work is meant to reflect God’s glory as we participate in his glorious work. He created us not only so that we would know him in all his splendor, but also so that we would reflect his character to the world around us. Connecting Most of us don’t naturally sense that our work is glorious. If we’re honest, we probably think our ordinary jobs have little lasting value. But a rich understanding of how God’s glory is reflected in creation tells us that even the most commonplace jobs have incredible value. Just as a common flower, such as a lily, can reflect God’s beauty, so can a common job, such as a house painter How does your work communicate who you are as God’s image bearer? How might your work communicate God’s glory in the world? Taken from NIV Faith & Work Bible ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “THE DANGERS OF OVERCONTROL" on our website


Stop Psalm 131:2 But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content. In 1982, our company published the biography of a Hawaiian woman who, as a child, had contracted leprosy. Because of her popularity among her fellow Hawaiians, we decided to launch the book in Hawaii with a great media event including the governor, the mayor of Honolulu, and many other dignitaries. As the publisher, and with a voracious sense of duty, I felt an obligation to also attend the festivities! During the months leading up to this trip, I had actually not been feeling well myself. It wasn’t bad enough to send me to a hospital, to bed or even to consult with my physician, but I had just felt weak, lethargic, no appetite . . . just blah. Finally, at Bobbie’s insistence, a few days before flying from Dallas to Oahu for the book party, I went in for some blood tests. Early the second morning of my stay in Hawaii, my hotel telephone rang. Glancing at the digital clock on the nightstand, I saw that it was only 3:30a.m. The voice on the other end of the phone was Darlene Tate, my secretary. “Robert,” she began, “I’m sorry to be calling you so early, but I have terrible news.” My heart froze. “What happened? What’s wrong?” I responded, as wide awake as I have ever been in my life. “The report came back from your doctor,” she replied. “You have hepatitis . . . .” In 24 hours, I was sitting on the examining table in my doctor’s office. “You’re going to have to go to bed,” he said, his face telling me that this wasn’t the opening line to a joke. “There is no medicine I can give you. No prescription except rest.” After a dramatic pause, he spoke again, “Robert, you‘ve been running too hard. Your liver will shut down if you keep up this pace. But if you come to a complete stop long enough, your body will actually fix itself. No other medication will be necessary.” I turned off the radio for the short drive home. How can I afford to stop? I wondered. Who’s going to take care of the business? But for the next ten days, I did absolutely nothing but rest. I took no medicines. I didn’t even watch any daytime game shows on television. I just slept. And incredibly . . . I got well. In a week and a half I felt brand-new. Today’s psalm was written by a busy and frazzled king. Can you imagine the work of keeping a whole country in order? So David stopped. He set the “wonderful things,” “great matters,” and even his pride aside. And in the quiet, he felt God’s arms, like those of a compassionate mother, literally heal his soul. This is a serious matter. Stop running, turn off the computer, set down your smart phone and sit quietly . . . let God touch your soul. Speak with Him. In the quiet, listen to His voice. No other medication will be necessary. Taken from NIV Dad's Devotional Bible ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “YOUR POSITIONING" on our website


Hello, Is That You? (1 Samuel 3:1–21) God speaks to Samuel when he least expects it. He is, after all, just a child;a sleepy child, tired from the day's activities with his "adopted" parent-priest, Eli. Samuel's story reminds us that when God wants to speak to us, he'll get his message through;one way or another. Like Samuel, God's messages can come to us in unexpected ways. A friend of Laura Hatch's family had no doubt heard God speak to her when Laura was in grave danger. Partygoers in Seattle were the last people to see 17-year-old Laura Hatch on the night of a fateful October 2, 2004. For more than a week, her family and friends searched, prayed and hoped for her safe return. More than 200 volunteers;including many members of Laura's home church;combed the woods, fields and suburban streets for any trace of the teenager. Despite their extensive search, no one uncovered the truth: She had lost control of her car on the way home from the party and had careened down into a steep, heavily forested ravine. With no leads, her family assumed the worst. "We had already given her up and let her be dead in our hearts," Laura's mother told the media. However, Sha Nohr, the mother of one of Laura's friends, had several dreams of a wooded area and heard the message, "Keep going. Keep going." On the eighth day of searching, she and her daughter drove to the scene where the crash occurred, both praying continuously along the way. At the site, Nohr felt inexplicably drawn to a concrete barrier, where she climbed more than 100 feet down a steep embankment, thick with leaves. It was there that she saw the fender of a vehicle amid the trees and discovered Laura in the backseat;barely conscious. Having had nothing to drink or eat for eight days, Laura had suffered severe dehydration, a blood clot in her brain, broken ribs, a broken leg and facial lacerations. But doctors agreed that her survival;and the circumstances surrounding her recovery;were nothing short of miraculous. That evening, instead of gathering for a solemn prayer vigil, more than 100 of Laura's family and friends celebrated her safe return. What did Samuel say once God got his attention? How does God communicate with you today? How do you know when it's God "speaking"? Taken from NIV College Devotional Bible ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “SPIRITUAL CONTRACTS" on our website


Gift of God Ephesians 2:8 (NIV) For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— A major passage for understanding God’s grace, i.e., his kindness, unmerited favor and forgiving love. you have been saved. “Saved” has a wide range of meanings. It includes salvation from God’s wrath, which we all had incurred by our sinfulness. The tense of the verb (also in v. 5) suggests a completed action with emphasis on its present effect. through faith. See Ro 3:21–31, which establishes the necessity of faith in Christ as the only means of being made right with God. not from yourselves. No human effort can contribute to our salvation; it is the gracious gift of God. Taken from NIV Study Bible ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “OPENING OUR SPIRITUAL EYES" on our website


Confidence Builder Psalm 94:14 For the Lord will not reject his people; he will never forsake his inheritance. It is heartbreaking to see your child get rejected. Little children are innocent and trusting. They believe the best and can’t imagine that someone would not want them around. Life has a way of teaching some hard lessons in this area. That’s why it will be critical to help your child know they won’t always be welcomed and will face rejection at some point in their life. It’s also important they understand it might be the result of something they did, but more likely it will be another person who is causing that action. This will be a delicate conversation. Some children will handle it easily, but for others it could jumpstart low self-esteem issues. The ultimate goal is for your child to be secure in who they are, and in those moments when they sense rejection, not to take it personally. That is accomplished by reminding them to put their confidence in who they are in Christ. Parenting Principle Remember, if you are rejected, it is not by God. Points to Ponder When have you felt a time of begrudging and how did you handle it? How can you continue to help your children prepare for these inevitable moments of rejection that are a natural part of life? When have you ever made others feel like you were rejecting them? Taken from Once a Day Nurturing Great Kids ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “MAKE YOUR EXPERIENCES COUNT FOR THE GOSPEL" on our website


Salvation Is God’s Gift Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Genesis 3 recounts the story of the fall of humanity, when Adam’s sin condemned the world to a cycle of sin and despair, punctuated by death. It is because of Adam’s actions that we inherited the proclivity to sin Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God But rather than leave us doomed to the consequences of sin, God has promised us rebirth and new life (see Romans 6:23). This is not something we deserve; rather, it is a gift that is given to us—an example of the true and abiding love that God has for his creation (see Ephesians 2:8–9). Take some time to consider the enormity of that statement. Even though we failed God’s commands, even though we fell short of God’s expectations for us, God still had enough love for us that he offered us a way out of the cycle. That way out is Jesus Christ, who bridges the gap between human and divine as the mediator of a new relationship between God and humanity: a covenant of life rather than one of death. Hebrews 12:24 to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. Taken from NIV Essentials of the Christian Faith ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “UNDERSTANDING OUR OWN CALLING" on our website


Is accepting Jesus the only way for people to get to heaven? John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Yes. The Bible clearly identifies Jesus as the only means of salvation. Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” (Philippians 2:9-11) Believing in Jesus and his unique work is the only way to gain access to God’s forgiveness. (Acts 2:37–39; 16:31; Romans 10:9) No number of good deeds can earn a person an eternal reward. No other faith system leads people to the one true God. Some people chafe at such an exclusive stance, but the words of Jesus and the apostles leave no other option (Acts 4:12; 1Timothy 2:5). Taken from NIV Quest Study Bible ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “RESOLVING THE OWNERSHIP ISSUE" on our website


Sermons "Obedience>Sacrifice" and "Searching in the Wrong Places" are now available on our website!


Protect Me From Myself 1 Peter 2:22 (NIV) “He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.” The Son of David, who was to come and deliver his people, would be just and righteous and zealous for God. We would say he had integrity. And he did. Jesus’ love, his truth and his goodness were not governed by external circumstances or personal ambitions, but were always steadfastly in accordance with the will of the Father. Here is our Lord Jesus, standing in stark contrast before a man who is the exact opposite of integrity—a hypocrite. Caiaphas models everything Jesus is not—a manipulator too busy with his own selfish plans to mediate for the sins of the people. He had set this whole scene up, proposing that Jesus be killed so that Rome would not take away his job—and his status. It was Caiaphas who had suggested that one man should be sacrificed for the nation (John 11:45–53). But we have to stop and think: Here is the high priest of the Jewish nation, essentially making a sacrifice to Rome to keep what he does not want to lose. So when Jesus stands before him and does not deny his own divinity, Caiaphas plays out a response he probably has rehearsed, pretending to be terribly upset. Jesus is silent; a man of integrity knows better than to argue with an actor. Jesus knew that Caiaphas had made up his mind long before this trial ever began. In light of this story, we have a choice: to follow Caiaphas and love what we have so much that we will lie, cheat and kill to keep it, or to lay down our lives and follow the one who modeled integrity and is, himself, our righteousness. Prayer God of glory, you want what is best for me. Yet, I attempt to control my own life, and I sabotage the peace and joy that come from submitting to your will. Help me to remember that it is in the small decisions of life that my character is forged. Small acts of hypocrisy always lead to larger acts of infidelity. Give me the wisdom and humility to seek accountability and honesty with a few people, so that they can protect me from myself. Keep me from being hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. In your Son’s name I pray. Amen. Taken from Once a Day 40 Days to Easter ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “TREASURES IN DARKNESS" on our website


Chosen In Christ Ephesians 1:4 (NIV) For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. Paul says that God “chose us in him” to emphasize that salvation depends totally on God. We are not saved because we deserve it, but because God is gracious and freely gives salvation. We did not influence God’s decision to save us; he saved us according to his plan. Thus there is no way to take credit for our salvation or to allow room for pride. The mystery of salvation originated in the timeless mind of God long before we existed. It is hard to understand how God could accept us. But because of Christ, we are holy and blameless in his sight. God chose us, and when we belong to him through Jesus Christ, God looks at us as if we had never sinned. All we can do is express our thanks for his wonderful love. Taken from NIV Life Application Study Bible ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “LIVING A LIFE OF CONVICTION" on our website


Do not conform Romans 12:2 (NIV) Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Do not conform. “Conform” refers to assuming an outward expression that does not reflect what is really inside, a kind of masquerade or act. The word’s form implies that Paul’s readers were already allowing this to happen and must stop. this world. Better translated, “age,” which refers to the system of beliefs, values—or the spirit of the age—at any time current in the world. This sum of contemporary thinking and values forms the moral atmosphere of our world and is always dominated by Satan (cf. 2Co 4:4). transformed. The Gr. word, from which the Eng. word metamorphosis comes, connotes a change in outward appearance. Matthew uses the same word to describe the Transfiguration (Mt 17:2). Just as Christ briefly and in a limited way displayed outwardly His inner, divine nature and glory at the Transfiguration, Christians should outwardly manifest their inner, redeemed natures, not once, however, but daily (cf. 2Co 3:18; Eph 5:18). renewing of your mind. That kind of transformation can occur only as the Holy Spirit changes our thinking through consistent study and meditation of Scripture (Ps 119:11; cf. Col 1:28; 3:10, 16; Php 4:8). The renewed mind is one saturated with and controlled by the Word of God. good, pleasing . . . perfect. Holy living of which God approves. These words borrow from OT sacrificial language and describe a life that is morally and spiritually spotless, just as the sacrificial animals were to be (cf. Lev 22:19–25). Taken from NIV First-Century Study Bible ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “MAKING ADJUSTMENTS" on our website


Is God Good? (Isaiah 55:8–9) The God of the Bible is the only true God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is the one all-powerful, all-knowing eternal God. But is he good? Is he involved in his creation? Does he love us? Does he have a plan for us? Is he interceding and intervening to move the events of our life and world toward his intended purpose? Consider the following and decide for yourself. A biblical character in whose life we see how much God is involved and cares about his people is David, the poet, singer, shepherd, warrior and king, who wrote and sang from a deep well as he journeyed through life and encountered the one true God. David composed many of the psalms found in our Bible. David wrote as a shepherd boy while gazing at the billions of stars God created; he wrote while being chased down by King Saul; he wrote while he was king of Israel; and he wrote as he was coming to the end of his life on earth. The songs that David and the other psalmists wrote express their personal and intimate relationships with God. You have searched me, Lord, and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, Lord, know it completely. You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. (Psalm 139:1-6) KEY VERSE I lift up my eyes to the mountains; where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. (Psalm 121:1-2) KEY IDEA I believe God is involved in and cares about my daily life. KEY APPLICATION: What difference does this make in the way I live? How can believing this truth about God as a personal and good God; not only in our mind (understanding) but also in our heart; guide the way we live? 1. God's ways are higher than our ways. We are tempted to make frantic decisions because we can't see our way. We can't see around the next bend in the road. God's ways are higher than our ways, because he is seated above on his throne. When we feel that we don't understand God's instruction in his Word, we must remember that he sees things from above and we don't. [See Isaiah 55:8-9.] 2. God, who controls nature and history, knows and cares about us. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus conveyed God's care for his children. These words about a loving Father paint a vivid picture of a God who is not out to get us, but rather to redeem us. He is not out to destroy us, but rather to restore us. Taken from NIV Believe ©2017 HarperCollins Christian Publishing Thank you for reading this devotional. You can also read “PEACE-A WEAPON AGAINST SATAN" on our website


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Restaurants in der nähe

Auch diese Restaurants in der Nähe ansehen:

Antonios Italian Ristorante
1105 Goshen Ave, Elkhart
Comfort Food, Europäisch, Italienisch, Pizza
Colombo's Family Restaurant
2425 S Main St, Elkhart
Comfort Food, Europäisch, Familiengerecht, Italienisch, Pizza
Bacon Hill Kitchen and Pub
4000 E Bristol St, Ste 8, Elkhart
Amerikanisch, Südlich
Cock-A-Doodle Cafe
2320 S Nappanee St, Elkhart
Frühstück, Brunch
1743 W Lusher Ave, Elkhart
Lucchese's Italian Restaurant
655 County Road 17, Elkhart
Europäisch, Italienisch
Chubby Trout Brewbarn & Eatery
3421 Plaza Ct, Elkhart
Asiatisch, Meeresfrüchte, Sushi
Bill's Bar B Que
2426 Benham Ave, Elkhart
Amerikanisch, Barbecue, Südlich
3719 S Main St, Elkhart
56199 Parkway Ave Ste 7, Elkhart
Amerikanisch, Barbecue
Simeri's Beardsley Street Tavern
1737 W Beardsley Ave, Elkhart
Texas Roadhouse - Elkhart
3015 Brittany Court, Elkhart
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store
110 Northpointe Blvd., Elkhart
Amerikanisch, Frühstück, Brunch
Callahan's Restaurant
2917 Cassopolis St, Elkhart
Amerikanisch, Frühstück, Brunch, Familiengerecht
Ricky's Taqueria
57995 County Road 9, Elkhart
Fast Food, Lateinamerikanisch, Mexikanisch
Michael's Italian Restaurant
528 Harrison St, Elkhart
Amerikanisch, Comfort Food, Europäisch, Italienisch, Pizza
New Paradigm Burger & Brew House
600 South Main Street Suite 102, Elkhart
Amerikanisch, Asiatisch, Burger
Re-Pete's Simonton Lake Tavern
51426 State Road 19, Elkhart
505 S Main St, Elkhart
Great Wall Chinese Restaurant
610 N Nappanee St, Elkhart
Asiatisch, Chinesisch
Jade Garden
1308 S Nappanee St, Elkhart
Asiatisch, Chinesisch, Sushi
Hacienda Mexican Restaurants
186 Easy Shopping Pl, Elkhart
Lateinamerikanisch, Mexikanisch
DaVinci's Italian Restaurant
2720 Cassopolis St, Elkhart
Comfort Food, Europäisch, Italienisch, Pizza
523 Tap & Grill
523 S Main St, Elkhart
Red Lobster
3009 Brittany Court, Elkhart
Amerikanisch, Meeresfrüchte
Hotels in der nähe
Immobilienmakler in der nähe

Auch diese Immobilienmakler in der Nähe ansehen:

Shelly Mobus Re/Max Oak Crest Realty
1815 E. Bristol St., Elkhart
Tracy Jones Century 21 Affiliated
1001 Parkway Avenue Suite 17, Elkhart
1731 E Bristol, Elkhart
Heidi Gaskill - Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northern Indiana
1741 E. Bristol Street, Elkhart
CENTURY 21 Affiliated
1001 Parkway Ave, Suite 17, Elkhart
Immobilienmakler, Immobilienservice
Judy Wood Re/Max Oak Crest
1815 E Bristol St, Elkhart
Kevin Foy - Elkhart Indiana Real Estate Agent
1815 E. Bristol Street, Elkhart
REMAX Oak Crest Realtor, Barb Pearce
1815 E Bristol Street, Elkhart
Re/Max Oak Crest Realty - Elkhart
1815 E Bristol St, Elkhart
DBrock Realtor
1731 E Bristol St, Elkhart
Baana Veen Realtor
945 E Beardsley Ave, Elkhart
Canarecci Group Realtors at Coldwell Banker The Real Estate Group
663 County Road 17, Ste 5, Elkhart
Marilyn Mausar w/ Cressy & Everett Real Estate
945 E Beardsley Ave., Elkhart
Stacey Hurt with Cressy & Everett Real Estate
945 E Beardsley Ave, Elkhart
Paige Corbalis - Alternative Real Estate
25650 County Road 24, Elkhart
Realtor Michelle Cassella
1001 Parkway Suite 21, Elkhart
David Rogers w/ Cressy & Everett Real Estate
945 E. Beardsley Ave, Elkhart
Reaunna Murphy with Cressy & Everett Real Estate
945 E Beardsley Ave, Elkhart
Team Kerrn Realty-Century 21 Affiliated
1001 Parkway Ave, Suite 17, Elkhart
Lisa Arendt - Realtor (R) Alternative Real Estate
The Property Mover, Because I Move Property
945 E. Beardsley, Elkhart
Immobilienmakler, Immobilienservice
Mary L. Dale, Realtor at Coldwell Banker
663 County Road 17, Ste 5, Elkhart
Sean Leonard-Realtor
2809 Ferndale Rd, Elkhart
Kyra Parsons with Century 21 Affiliated
1001 Parkway Ave #17, Elkhart
Brandi Millslagle Century 21 Affiliated
1001 Parkway Ave., Suite 17, Elkhart
Hair salons in der nähe

Auch diese Hair salons in der Nähe ansehen:

Gigi's Salon
3763 E Jackson Blvd, Ste C, Elkhart
FIX salon/spa
112 W Lexington Ave, Elkhart
Kimi's Hair Designs
705 County Road 6 E, Elkhart
Haarsalon, Nagelsalon
Refresh Hair Design Studio
901 Parkway Ave, Suite 3, Elkhart
Haarsalon, Makeup Artist, Nagelsalon
Ana's Place Beauty Salon
2404 S 6th St, Elkhart
Haarsalon, Makeup Artist, Nagelsalon
Absolutely Fabulous Salon & Day Spa
3230 Toledo Rd, Elkhart
Barber Shop, Haarsalon, Nagelsalon
Total Look Salon\Imagen Total
58015 CR 9, Elkhart
Barber Shop, Haarsalon
fRiNgE SaLoN
4000 E Bristol St, Elkhart
Barber Shop, Haarsalon
The Walk-In Salon
2809 B Ferndale Road, Elkhart
Barber Shop, Haarsalon, Nagelsalon
S&S Hair Lounge
1507 E Bristol, Elkhart
Posh Salon
1180 Edwardsburg Ave, Elkhart
Kosmetikgeschäft, Haarsalon
655 CR 17, Elkhart
1107 Johnson St, Elkhart
Haarsalon, Nagelsalon
2333 South Main St, Elkhart
Extensions by Sharmonique
2301 W Indiana Ave, Elkhart
Haarverlängerungsservice, Haarsalon
Niki Collins/ Stylist at Absolutely Fabulous Salon and Day Spa
3230 Toledo Rd, Elkhart
Barber Shop, Haarsalon
Salon Headlines
1401 Johnson St. Suite X, Elkhart
Kosmetikgeschäft, Haarsalon
Allure Salon And Spa
137 Easy Shopping Pl, Elkhart
Haarsalon, Nagelsalon, Hautpflegeservice
SmartStyle Hair Salons
175 County Road 6 W, Elkhart
Cutting Loose Salon Suites
3815 S Main St, Elkhart
Barber Shop, Haarsalon
SUITE Serendipity Beauty Shop LLC
2301 W Indiana Ave., Elkhart
A'Nue Le'Kres Hair Salon and Spa
3712 East Mishawaka Road, Elkhart
Haarsalon, Makeup Artist, Nagelsalon
Shabby Chic Hair Boutique
5218 Beck Dr, Elkhart
Barber Shop, Haarsalon, Nagelsalon
197 County Road 6 W, Elkhart